Thursday, September 11, 2014

Are you Prepared?

Thirteen years ago today one of the worst tragedies in our nation’s history was executed when terrorists flew large passenger planes into the World Trade Center buildings in New York.
We were caught almost totally unprepared.  The church where I was pastor called together the membership for a Tuesday evening of prayer.  As we circled the inside of the sanctuary we joined hands for a season of contrition and prayer.  We prayed for our nation, our leaders, and the victims of that awful devastation.  In the next several days other pastors told me of similar meetings their churches had called together.  It seemed there was a time of revival across our nation.  Collectively we vowed that it would never happen again.  We would be prepared the next time.

Some of the older folks remembered December 7, 1941 and the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the loss of more than 2,000 sailors, soldiers and marines.  I barely remember from childhood hearing people singing, “Let’s Remember Pearl Harbor.”  The nation vowed it would never happen again. 

While being prepared for a terrorist attack is legitimate and necessary, there is an even larger event for which we must be prepared.  In fact, there are two possibilities for which we must be prepared.  The first is death, which will occur to everyone unless Jesus returns and second is the reality of the second coming of Jesus.  Jesus said, “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”  (Matthew 24:44)

You can make preparation by coming to Jesus in repentance and faith, trusting Him completely for salvation.  Are you prepared?

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