Monday, September 29, 2014

Come Apart and Rest Awhile

Those who serve the Lord diligently sometimes get so caught up in their work
that they never want to stop or slow down. Our Lord has a way of recognizing
that and will arrange a time of rest.

The twelve apostles had been chosen. They had been sent on assignment by the
Master. When they gathered together to Him to give their report, of both
what they had done and what they had taught, He said to them, "Come ye
yourselves apart into a desert place and rest awhile." (Mark 6:31)

I heard the late O.G. Lawless, in a radio message many years ago, say, "If
you don't come apart and rest, you will just come apart." I have heard
young, enthusiastic preachers say, "I had rather burn out than to rust out."
God doesn't desire us to do either. Just serve Him faithfully until the Lord 
calls us home and leave the results up to Him.

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