Saturday, September 27, 2014

Tell Your Friends What Happened to You

The Savior healed a man whom we know as the Demoniac of Gadara.  This man 
lived among the tombs, a man with an unclean spirit who many people had 
tried to bind with chains, but could not be bound.  Night and day he was in 
the mountains and in the tombs, crying and cutting himself with stones. 
When this man was healed the witnesses of the event saw the man sitting, 
clothed and in his right mind.  The man understandably wanted to follow 
Jesus in His entourage of disciples.  
When Jesus changes your life in a dramatic fashion it makes you want to be 
as close to Him as you can possibly be.  But Jesus had more specific plans 
for the man.  Jesus said, "Go home to your friends, and tell them how great 
things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee."  (Mark 
5:19)  His friends could not help but see the changes in the man:  no more 
chains, no running in the cemetery, no more wounds from running into the 
sharp tombstones, no more fear on the part of others.  He was a changed man. 
I have seen people who kept beer in the refrigerator get saved and suddenly 
there was no more beer in the refrigerator.  One older friend of mine and 
his wife (both with the Lord now) came home from revival meeting one night. 
She went on back in the back part of the house while he stopped in the 
kitchen.  She missed him and said, "Jim, what are you doing?"  He said, "I'm 
getting rid of some stuff I won't be needing any more since the Lord saved 
me tonight."  He was pouring a case of whiskey, one bottle at a time, down 
the drain. 
Friends can see the obvious change.  Tell them what happened. And, let them 
know the same thing can happen to them. 

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