Friday, September 26, 2014

The Value of Intercessory Prayer

When Jesus was praying His intercessory prayer in John seventeen He prayed
for all of us who would believe on Him through the ministry of His followers
of that day.  As you take the time to read that prayer again, look
especially at verse twenty.  "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them
also which shall believe on me through their word." (John 17:20) 

John the beloved was one of those who was with Jesus in His earthly
ministry.  I came to know Jesus partly through the writings of John.  When
my Sunday school teacher took something that John wrote, namely John 3:16,
and shared it with her class I was one of those who believed.  Many times I
have used the words of Acts 4:12, spoken by Peter, "Neither is there
salvation in any other. For there is none other name under heaven, given
among men whereby we must be saved."  Most of the people who believe today
are believers because of the intercessory prayer of Jesus and the ministry
and words of those men who wrote and spoke those words which we believe.

Never under estimate the worth of your intercessory prayer for others.  Pray
for the lost, the sick, the backslidden, the lonely, the elderly, the
downtrodden, the crippled, the penniless and all you can think of who need 
Jesus in any way.

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