Thursday, September 25, 2014

Remember who you are

When mine and Sylvia's eighteen year old granddaughter was moving into her
dorm room for her first semester of college I hugged her tightly and said,
"Don't forget who you are."  It was something I had said to her father and
her father's sister as they were growing up and starting to spread their
wings.  My granddaughter responded by saying, "I won't forget who I am nor
whose I am."

In his first epistle Peter reminds his readers of who they are.  "But you
are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar
people..." (I Peter 2:9) and then he adds, "...but are now the people of
God." (I Peter 2:10)  The Bible reminds us that we are not our own but we
have been bought with a price. 

As Christians and part of the family of God we need to remember that we are
living our lives on the world stage and the world is constantly checking to
see if we really believe what we say.  Spend a little time with God each day 
to help you remember who you are and whose you are.

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