Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Contrast

The Bible is a book of contrasts. There is a rich man and a beggar. There is
Paradise and Hades. We began to see yesterday in the first Psalm that there
is a blessed or happy man and an ungodly man. We saw in the Godly or blessed
man that his walk is not in the counsel of the ungodly, he doesn't stand in
the way of sinners nor does he sit in the seat of the scornful. He has
delight in the word of God. He bears spiritual fruit.

The contrast is seen as we look at the ungodly. The ungodly are like the
chaff which the wind drives away. (Psalm 1:4) As a little boy I accompanied
my dad as he followed the wheat thresher to the different locations of grain
on the neighborhood farms. I remember the straw stack that was formed as the
grain was separated from the straw. The grain was deposited in burlap bags.
The straw was stored and would be used for livestock bedding. Then, there
was chaff. If one could have gathered it and saved it, it is doubtful that
it would have been good for anything The wind blew it away as fast as it
came from the thresher. Being mostly dust, it was worthless. What a picture
God gives of the ungodly! Verses five and six of the first Psalm tell us of
the separation of the sinners and the righteous. The Lord knows, or
approves, of the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly shall
perish. (Psalm 1:6)  It is not only a contrast, it is a warning to those who
live an ungodly life. 

What a tragedy to come to the end of life and realize that your entire life
was totally wasted.  But, God can take your nothingness and turn it into
usefulness as you surrender your all to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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