Sunday, November 30, 2014

An Upside-Down World

We live in an "upside-down" confused world, a world that doesn't seem to know right from wrong.

In his six woes on Israel, Isaiah said in one of them, "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter."(Isaiah 5:20) One is reminded of the confused cook who put sugar in the salt shakers and salt in the sugar bowl."

Some pranksters spent the night in a shopping mall going from store to store changing all the price tags on the merchandise in the windows. The next morning plastic toy cars had a price tag of $5,000 while a fur coat in another window had a price posted of $2.98.  Designer hand bags could be bought for $5.00 each while a box of Cracker Jacks was listed at $200.00.

The devil has pulled a trick on our world, getting the people to ignore the undeniable teaching of God's Word while following the teachings and example of a world gone mad.

Light is still light, dark is still dark, bitter is still bitter and sweet is still sweet, good is still good and evil is still evil.  Don't be duped. Turn to Jesus and follow Him. 

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