Saturday, November 15, 2014

Keep On Keeping On

"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an
evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry." (2 Timothy 4:5)

The Bible gives warning of the time coming when folks will not listen to
sound doctrine. Because of their desire to hear something new and different
they will have a multitude of teachers and they will be turned to fables.
(2Timothy 4:3-4)

So, what are Bible believers, pastors and other ministers to do? In verse 5
Paul tells Timothy, "But watch thou..." is the way the King James Version
reads. Another translation reads, "As for you, watch." Whatever others may
do, no matter how far astray they may go, as for you, you can't always help
what others do, but you can be watchful for yourself. You can be faithful
even when others are not.

Then the writer adds. Endure afflictions. There will always be afflictions
in this world, even for Christians who are living holy lives, and sometimes,
especially Christians. Keep evangelizing. Paul witnessed and led people to
faith in Christ even while in prison. Continue to do your ministry. What is
your ministry? It may not be on a foreign mission field. It may be simply
encouraging a young, or weak or discouraged Christian. It may be tithing
and giving. Or, it could be teaching a Bible class or pastoring. Make
yourself totally His.

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