Sunday, November 2, 2014

Let your Christianity be Real

"Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof."  (II Timothy 3:5)

I saw a big empty shell of a locust which was stuck to tree.  He was stuck there with feet that no longer had life in them. He had wings but could not fly.  It had antenna that could not sense and feel. He was just a shell.

The Bible gives a description of lifeless professing Christianity that will exist in the last days.  It will have a "form" of godliness, but with no power. They will have denied the "Gospel, the power of God unto salvation." (Romans 1:16)  They will do religious things in the energy of the flesh but without having the power of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8) They will operate without the power of the Word. (Hebrews 1:8) They will do nothing for which they would need God or His power. All the while they will be adding new, ingenious man-made programs while denying the power of God available to minister. It will have all the appearance of life but it will be just an empty shell of the real thing. It will be religion without life. 

May we not be guilty of such pretense.

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