Friday, November 21, 2014

God Bless America Again

"Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." (Proverbs 14:34)

In the early days of this great nation there were no sinless people, but there were people who knew right from wrong.  They knew about the righteous path that leads individuals, families, communities, states and the nation to greatness. They knew how to lead their children to walk with God.  They knew that church and holiness of character were worthy of attention.  They feared God.  The nation walked a road to greatness.

In more recent days the blight of sin has fallen like a dirty, filthy shroud over our nation.  It seems that whatever God promotes, there is an element that says, "That's not for us."  On the other hand, if God prohibits a lifestyle or an action and if that prohibition is plainly spelled out in the Bible, that same element says, "No one, not even God, can stop us. We will have complete freedom." 

Righteousness builds up.  Sin tears down and destroys.  Just look at Israel in the Old Testament.  May God bless America again.

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