Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What shall we do with Jesus?

“…What shall I do then with Jesus who is called Christ?” (Matthew 27:22)

Following a local option election on whether or not our city would be “wet” or “dry,” my preacher father, who had taken a very active part with the anti-liquor group said, “I’m afraid the devil is laughing at us pastors. If we had spent as much time and effort presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ and trying to get folks saved as we did in trying to get them sober we would have accomplished both, salvation and sobriety.”

Pilate’s question to the multitude is valid for us today. Millions upon millions of dollars, much time and much labor have been spent to save the population from big, corrupt government. But, during that time what did we Christians do with Jesus and His purpose for coming into the world?

It is a question we should ask before we undertake any project, large or small, whether at the court house or the church house. “What shall we do with Jesus?”  There are many worthy projects, such as the local option election mentioned above. But, if a project puts Jesus on a shelf or stands Him in a useless corner, we need to re-think the project.

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