Thursday, November 17, 2016

Bring Someone to Jesus

“And he brought him to Jesus.” (John 1:42)

It doesn’t take a seminary or college degree and it doesn’t take a person with name recognition to bring a person to Jesus.

The word, “he” in this verse is referring to Andrew, Simon’s brother. The word, “him” is referring to Simon, better known to most as “Simon Peter.” Both Andrew and Simon were as common as grass beside the road. They were fishermen. They were just plain, ordinary, hard working young men.

Andrew had heard John the Baptist speak and refer to Jesus as the, “Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.” The first thing he wanted to do after meeting Jesus is the first thing we wanted to do after meeting Him; that is, to bring someone else to meet Him.

After Simon met Jesus he was never the same. He was chosen by the Lord to be in the inner circle with the brothers, James and John. On the evening before the crucifixion Peter denied that he knew Jesus. But Jesus forgave and restored him. Peter wrote two outstanding epistles which are huge blessings to Christians today: all because “he” brought “him” to Jesus.

Is there someone you love that you may bring to Jesus? It will change his/her life.

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