Monday, November 21, 2016

Giving Thanks in Everything

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
 (I Thessalonians 5:18)

The inspired writer is not instructing us to be thankful “for” everything, but to give thanks “in” everything. For instance, if you are taking a walk, trip over a limb on the trail, fall and break your arm, you are not expected to thank God for your injury. But, if you are right handed and it is your left arm that was injured, be thankful. And be thankful you were able to seek medical personnel who could take care of it. You should be thankful that God was there to protect you from further injuries.

Certainly, we should not sit on the sidelines and be thankful “for” floods, tornados, earthquakes and other disasters. But “in” them we should be thankful that there are people who can come to the rescue of people in those situations.  In those situations we should be thankful if we have the strength, ability, finances and “know how” to be of help.

In every problem, every circumstance, every situation give thanks. You do not know what tomorrow may bring, but God knows. Be thankful that He has not left you alone to work things out all by yourself.

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