Wednesday, November 2, 2016

We Need Patience

“For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” (Hebrews 10:36)

When a farmer plants corn in the spring of the year it will take a few days for the seed to germinate and then to “spike” through as a young plant. He anticipates a harvest in the fall.

Suppose he impatiently uncovers a few grains of freshly planted corn every day. Then if some of that unearthed corn did sprout, suppose he pulls up the plants and examines the roots every day. There will be no harvest.

Likewise, the Christian life requires patience. When we pray we must wait patiently for God to answer. When we witness to a lost person we must wait patiently for the “seed to germinate.”  I have known of wives who have prayed for their husbands to be saved. Years after that Godly wife was taken to heaven her husband turned to Christ for salvation. She had been patient in her prayers, in her witness and in her Christian life. God rewarded her patience with the salvation of her husband.

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