Thursday, November 10, 2016

Faithfulness: A Requirement for Stewards

“Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” (I Corinthians 4:2)

A steward is someone who watches after and cares for the goods of others. A bank acts as a steward over your money when you make a deposit into your account.

Often we think of a “stewardship” sermon as a message on money, tithing our incomes and giving our money to the Lord through the local church. The writer of our text, however, is telling us that he is a steward, or an overseer, of the mysteries of God. Being a steward of the mysteries of God, he sees the responsibility of being found faithful.

The Lord Jesus entrusted the church with the stewardship of the Great Commission, of going into the world with the Gospel of salvation. We have been given the stewardship of our time, the stewardship of our children and the stewardship as citizens of our country. Let us be found faithful in every area of stewardship.

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