Saturday, November 26, 2016

Our Eternal God

“Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.” (Psalm 90:2)

When there was nothing; when all was empty space; when there was no earth, no mountains and no oceans even then there was God.

Before there were calendars, clocks, watches, sun-dials or hour glasses filled with sand, before there were trees whose growth rings one might count to determine their ages there was God.

One might step into the middle of a time-line of any length or step into the time-line anywhere toward either end and there you would find God.

As far back in eternity past you may travel, God is making preparation to speak the earth and the universe into existence and set man in the midst. Even then He knew you and made preparation for your presence with Him. He loves you and desires you to receive His free gift of eternal life in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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