Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Give Thanks unto the Lord

“Oh give thanks unto the LORD; call upon His name: make known His deeds among the people.” (Psalm 105:1)

The sunrise is predictable. Every morning an old red rooster crows and he thinks that his crowing caused the sun to rise.

Suppose that some morning the sun never came up.  T.V. and radio stations would be reporting numerous phone calls from people wanting to know why the sun had not come up. Perhaps someone might even check the old red rooster.

Folks would go to bed at the end of that day, confident the sun would come up tomorrow. But tomorrow was just like today. World counsels would be called into session. Their final conclusions: “We have no power over the sun to cause it to rise or set. This is beyond our understanding or ability. There must be a power greater than us about which we know nothing.”

On the third day prayer meetings are being conducted in church houses, cathedrals, palaces, mud huts and in caves. People confess sins. They repent. They make promises to keep their old promises.

Then early the fourth morning there is a lavender hue in the eastern sky. The sun is coming up. Neighbors are calling neighbors to tell them the sun is coming up. It is a “breaking news” announcement on the early morning T.V. shows. The sun is coming up and people are beginning the day with thanksgiving to God for the sunrise.

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