Monday, October 12, 2015

Our Savior Receives Sinners

“Then drew near unto Him all the publicans and sinners for to hear Him. And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, ’This man receiveth sinners and eateth with them.'” (Luke 15:1-2)

Despised, friendless, Jewish men, seen as traitors to Israel because they collected taxes from their fellow Jews for the Roman government, wanted to hear Jesus. They found in Him a friend. And  then there were sinners guilty of every kind of sin imaginable. They drew near to Jesus to hear Him.

That which repulsed these Pharisees and scribes toward Jesus makes me rejoice and praise my Savior. If He had not received sinners He would not have received me.

One of the sweetest kinds of fellowship people can have is a meal together. The word “fellowship” comes from the Greek word, “koinonia,” and means “to share together.” When Jesus ate with sinners in our text He was sharing with them. They were having fellowship. Praise God for our Savior’s sharing His life, forgiveness, resources, kindness, friendship and wisdom with us. Yes, praise the Lord, He does receive sinners and fellowships with us. He is the sinner’s only Savior.


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