Tuesday, September 29, 2015

You Can’t Hide From God

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?” (Psalm 139:7)

Never say children can’t grasp what is being said from the pulpit in “BIG CHURCH.” I recall a scene from my childhood. I was probably six or seven and our pastor was preaching from Psalm 139. When he came to our text for today I began to try to think of ways and places where one might hide from God, a place where there would be only enough space for me. I thought, “If one could somehow squeeze inside a stove-pipe, God would not be able to get in there too.” It was not that I wanted to hide from God, but my childish, immature mind was just wondering (and wandering).

How thankful I am that God is “ever-present,” and that this verse is a comfort to the child of God and not a challenge to God’s omni-presence. The child of God can trust Him to always be present in the bad times, the good times and all the time.

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