Saturday, September 26, 2015

What is Your Heart’s Desire?

“Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved.” (Romans 10:1)

What is your greatest desire, the burden of your heart?  Perhaps down in the depth of your heart you have a debt on you house you would like to get paid off. Maybe the burden of your heart is to have money available to send your kids to college. The Apostle Paul’s heart’s desire was that Israel, his kin folks, would be saved. He demonstrated that desire by pouring his very soul into the spread of the Gospel, even to the point of physical persecution and threat of death.

You and I as Christians need such a passion for the world of lost people around us. Paul had said in the preceding chapter that he could wish himself accursed from Christ for his brethren, his kinsmen according to the flesh. (Romans 9:3)

Let us ask God to give us a burning, yearning desire to see lost people come to know the Lord.

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