Sunday, September 6, 2015

Feed Your Faith and Starve Your Doubts

“So then, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”(Romans 10:17)

One of the requests of the Lord’s twelve apostles was, “Increase our faith.” (Luke 17:5) Then Jesus told them of the value of faith as a grain of mustard seed.  Several years ago my pastor asked in a sermon, “How much faith do you need?” Then he said, “If you have a thimble full of faith it takes that. If you have a five gallon bucket full of faith it takes all of it. If you have a truck load or a boxcar load of faith it takes all you have to become a Christian and then to live the Christian life.”

If you want or need more faith, read the Bible. As you read God’s Word and then put it into practice your faith grows. Some people doubt their own salvation. Others doubt God’s power to provide their needs. I suggest that if you will feed your faith your doubts will starve to death. Feed your faith. Read God’s Word.

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