Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What a Difference The Lord Jesus Christ Makes

“Caiaphas the high priest…prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; and not for that nation only, but that also He should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.” (John 11:49-52)

Twenty-two days ago we began our devotion in John chapter eleven with the announced sickness and subsequent death of a man named Lazarus, the brother of two sisters named Martha and Mary. We saw their grief, their sending for Jesus, their frustration in the delayed arrival of Jesus and their feeling of helplessness.

We saw the Jews who came to comfort, weep and mourn with the sisters, unable to do anything except to “weep with those that weep.” Then, there were the unnamed people who could not raise the dead but could take away the stone. The truth is, only Jesus could do what needed to be done.  They needed a miracle. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, something all the rest together could not do.

Jesus made the difference then and continues to make the difference today.  He makes the difference in lives that are out of tune and headed for destruction.  He can make the difference in homes that are on the brink of break-up and divorce. He can make a difference in America, a country which is on moral skids headed for tragedy. Let us yield our lives to Him to make the needed difference.

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