Saturday, September 12, 2015

Believe God and Be of Good Cheer

“Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.” (Acts 27:25)

It was in the midst of a storm at sea that Paul the Apostle spoke these words. He was on board a small ship sailing for Rome. Two hundred and seventy-six men, including Paul, were on board. All hope of being rescued was gone. An angel of God stood by Paul after about two weeks, telling him that he and everyone on board with him would be saved.  The ship did indeed wreck, but everyone made it to shore.

It was the Word of the Lord through the angel of God that prompted our text from Paul, “I believe God.”

One must believe God’s Word to be saved and have eternal life. In addition, faith in what God says about never leaving or forsaking us will see us through the storms of life. The old song says, “I’m standing on the promises of God.” Are you standing on His promises?

You and I will have storms in life as surely as Paul and those men with him had their storm. Someone said, “You have just passed through a storm, or you are in a storm right now or you are just about to go through a storm." You can be of good cheer, as Paul suggested, if you believe God.

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