Friday, September 11, 2015


“But evil men and imposters shall become worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” (II Timothy 3:13)

Fourteen years ago today life for the American people would change forever. On that day the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York were attacked by mad-men at the controls of two large jet passenger planes followed by a similar attack on the Pentagon in Washington D. C. and then the sky-jacking of another plane in which a large number of passengers were killed when the plane crashed in a field. Upwards of 3,000 innocent people were killed that day including firemen, policemen, other emergency workers and first responders.

Pastors all over the country called their people together for an evening of prayer. Our church gathered that Tuesday evening and wept, prayed, shared our heartfelt frustration, confessed our sins and resolved that God was still on the throne and we would not be defeated by Satan or any of his crowd.

Other pastors and I have observed that as we have moved farther and farther away from that horrible day, with the exception of the immediate surviving family members of the victims, there has been a cooling off toward God and of national mourning. As time progressed after the tragedy of 9 – 11, the nation began to have a “ho-hum” attitude about turning to God, leading to a decline in the morality of the nation over the past fourteen years.

May God have mercy on the nation and bring a lasting spiritual renewal.

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