Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Cross Was No Accident

“…He hath poured out His soul unto death.” (Isaiah 53:12)

When the word “spill” or” spilled” is used it usually indicates some sort of accident. We hear the word used in our speech. “It’s too late to cry over spilled milk.” Or a secret was accidentally disclosed. “He spilled the beans.” We spill water. A semi overturned on the highway and spilled hundreds of bushels of corn.

Our text from the “suffering servant” chapter tells us that Christ “…poured out His soul…” It was no accident that Jesus gave His life for us. His life, His blood were not “spilled.” They were “poured out.”

He poured out His blood as a libation, an offering to God for the souls of men that we would be redeemed and rescued from eternal hell. Someone asked, “Does Jesus love me?” Look at the cross to find the answer.

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