Friday, April 17, 2015

Watch Out For the South Wind

“And when the south wind blew softly, supposing that they had obtained their purpose, loosing thence, they sailed close by Crete. But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind called Euroclydon.” (Acts 27:13-14)

Paul and two hundred and seventy-five other men, including the sailors manning the ship and the hundred soldiers guarding the prisoners, were sailing, hopefully, to Rome. They had gotten as far as the island of Crete. Paul spoke against going further at this time because the time for sailing was past. But the centurion believed the captain and owner of the ship rather than Paul, the preacher. When the south wind began to blow softly, they supposed it would now be alright to weigh anchor and sail. As soon as they were enticed away from the safety of the harbor a hurricane arose. It was a horrible two week trip.  Read it in  Acts 27.

How like that we are. We are in “safe harbor” and a “gentle, south wind,” a wind of temptation, begins to blow and entices us further and further from the safety of the harbor and we suffer ship wreck.  The “south wind” starts with just a small touch, then a kiss, then adultery and divorce.  Or it starts as just a small social drink and then a little more and some more until there is a wasted life and a ruined home. Or, someone offers a teenager a “joint” and the rest is history. The problem is, we think we know more than God about sailing our ship.

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