Sunday, April 19, 2015

My Closest Friend

“…and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24)

A pastor friend said if a person had six true friends he could count himself fortunate. [That would be enough friends to serve as pall bearers at your funeral.] A friend is someone with whom you can share your problems and failures and be assured no one else will hear it from your friend.

I had two brothers, one older and one younger than I. They are now both with the Lord. We were close. We sang together, worked together and played together. We put our feet under the same table when we were growing up. But I have a friend whose name is Jesus and He has been my friend when my brothers could not help me, when they were limited in some way. We all have had some “fair weather” friends, folks we thought were good friend, but were not. But Jesus is not a fair weather friend.  He is my friend who has always been closer than either of my brothers.

My brothers would have given me their last dime if I needed it. But Jesus gave His life for me at Calvary. That’s the kind of friend He is to me and will be your friend if you will let Him.

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