Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Revive Us Again

“Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?” (Psalm 85:6)

When I was much younger I had some friends who never took a bath because they did not think they needed one. Every decent person around them knew better, but those needing the baths could not be convinced. They had gotten accustomed to the smell and the smudge and they smelled and looked no different than most of the people around them.

Spring is the time for revivals in many areas or our country, especially the Bible belt. Most members of most churches need a spiritual awakening, a real time of renewal and cleansing. However, I have discovered that folks who need revival the most realize it the least. They are like my childhood friends who thought they did not need a bath. Often we just don’t think we need a revival because we fit right in with the rest of the cold, prayerless, powerless, indifferent, carnal, uncommitted, sinful, backslidden church members. Thankfully, not all church members are guilty of that kind of description. Many do fall on their faces before God in contrition, humility, confession and repentance.

Lord, let our verse for today be our heartfelt and sincere prayer. Lord, our churches, our homes, our nation and our world need a revival. Please awaken us to the need and then may we be renewed and revived. As the song says, “Lord, send a revival, and let it begin in me.”

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