Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Christian, Don’t Make Yourself at Home Here

“For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. (Philippians 3:20)

The word, “conversation” in newer translations is “citizenship.” A study of the word “conversation,” here is not about two people carrying on a verbal exchange, or involvement in word communications with one or more people. Our citizenship is in heaven. One translation even says that “we Christians are a colony of heaven living on earth.”

Geese were flying over a barn yard and stopped to get some water from the pond and to feast on some spilled grain. When they flew away on their continued trek north one goose got left behind and he thought, “I’ll join back with them when they come back south in a few months.” He made himself at home, got fat and did not exercise his wings. When he heard the south bound geese honking overhead he had the urge to go with them, but he got no higher than the barn roof and fell to earth in the barn yard. When they came back north again a few months later he never even looked up when he heard the honking over head. “Oh well,” he said. “It’s not too bad down here in the barn yard.”

Many Christians are like that old fat goose, content to enjoy this world and just ignore the upward call.

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