Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Gospel Which Paul Preached

“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; by which you are saved…” (I Corinthians 15:1-2a)

The church of Corinth was founded when Paul the Apostle had an eighteen month ministry there. When the Corinthians became Christians they could not just “pull up,” and leave. They had to live the Christian life in one of the most sinful environments of that or any other day. Paul deals with many of those sinful issues in this letter to them.

The apostle also uses this opportunity to remind them of the gospel he preached to them when he was there. The word, “gospel” means, “good news.” The first point of his message of good news was that Christ died for their/our sins according to the Scriptures. One thinks of Isaiah 53 as one of many Old Testament Scriptures speaking prophetically of the sacrifice of Jesus. The second point of his gospel of good news was that Christ was buried, indicating that He was indeed dead, not just in a “swoon” or a fainting spell. The third point of the gospel he preached while he was there was that Christ arose again the third day according to the scriptures.

It was that gospel by which the Corinthians were saved and by which we are saved today. If it is the gospel it must include the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.  Otherwise, it is not the gospel that brings salvation. Place your faith in Him for eternal life.

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