Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Invite Jesus to Your Wedding

“And both Jesus was called, and His disciples, to the marriage.” (John 2:2)

Among the people that attended the marriage in Cana of Galilee were Jesus and the people who were closest to Him, His mother and His disciples. It is a wise couple about to be married who invite Jesus and His followers to their wedding. 

There are numerous pit-falls in the realm of marriage, but not nearly as many as living together without marriage.  The Bible calls that adultery. God Himself established the home in the first two chapters of Genesis. And Jesus, God in the flesh, verified God’s intended purpose for a man and woman establishing a home in Matthew 19:3-12.

If you and your fiancé are among the many couples planning a June wedding or a wedding any time in the future, you will be wise to invite Jesus to be the honored guest at your wedding and to surround yourselves with some of His closest followers.

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