Tuesday, April 14, 2015

On the Rock

“He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” (Psalm 40:2)

I well remember as a boy, one day after a rain, starting across a recently plowed field of red clay soil. I had not gotten very far when my shoes were totally covered with red clay mud.  I was lifting a growing load of mud with every step.  I found it necessary to pull my feet and their mud caked shoes out of the mud by hand, step by weary step. When my shoes were pulled off by the mud I went the rest of the way barefooted, carrying my shoes. How glad I was when I finally got to a hard surfaced gravel road. I felt like a free person.

The Psalmist David likened his situation to being rescued by the Lord out of a horrible pit and then lifted out of the miry clay and his feet planted on a solid rock. I look back on my salvation experience, of being rescued from the pit of hell and from the miry clay of sin and placed firmly on Jesus, the solid rock.  As children in church we would sing, “I’m on the Rock, hallelujah: I’m on the Rock to stay. For He lifted me from the miry clay; I’m on the Rock to stay.” Perhaps that was the “New Song” God placed in David’s mouth. If you will allow Him to do so, He will plant your feet on the Rock and put a new song in your mouth.

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