Saturday, April 11, 2015

Are You Letting God’s Word Fall to the Ground?

“And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and did let none of His words fall to the ground.” (I Samuel 3:19)

One of the greatest men that ever walked on this earth was Samuel, the prophet of God.  Given to Hannah by the Lord in answer to her prayer, she loaned him back to the Lord when he was weaned. Samuel grew up under the care of Eli, the priest of God.

Our text says he grew and that he let none of the words of God fall to the ground. When I read this verse I am reminded of two apple orchards, one whose caretaker did not pick the apples when they were perfectly ripe but let them fall to the ground and spoil, benefiting no one. The other orchard’s caretaker let no apple fall to the ground, but picked each one at the appropriate time, and had fruit for nourishment.

Most of the problems of this world would be solved if mankind would stop ignoring the Word of God, letting it fall to the ground and spoil. If men would just allow the Word of God to feed, nourish and sustain them like a nice juicy apple when plucked at its peak of goodness. If the Bible were not ignored homes would be stronger, churches would be more loving, neighbors would get along with one another, hatred would be no more, sins of all kinds would cease and God Himself would be magnified.

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