Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Brethren, Pray…

“Brethren, pray for us.” (I Thessalonians 5:25)

The Lord’s work is much larger than the people who are involved in it. Paul and Silas had been miraculously delivered from jail in Philippi and had found their way to Thessalonica where Paul, Silas and Timothy established a church. In less than a month there, they had been forced by jealous Jews to move on to Berea and then to Athens. Now they are in Corinth where they are writing to the small church back in Thessalonica to encourage them and to answer their questions concerning the second coming of Jesus. That subject is in every chapter of this epistle.

Overwhelmed with the work before them, these three servants made the appeal to the church, “Brethren, pray for us.” There is an old song that says, “I want my friends to pray for me.” There is nothing greater you can do for your pastor, Sunday school teacher and workers, deacons and other servants in your church than to pray for them. If you cannot pray for them, don’t criticize them. And, if a pastor is reading these lines, the greatest thing you can do for the members of your church is to pray for them. For all of us, pray for your husband, wife, children and parents.

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