Sunday, October 23, 2016

What Went Wrong?

“…yet they hearkened not unto me, nor inclined their ear, but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers.”(Jeremiah 7:26)

An article similar to the following came across my desk years ago. If I could recall the author I would give credit. Please accept it as I remember it.

“Suppose that a thousand years from now archaeologists exploring the ruins of America unearthed a “wheat-leaf” penny. As they examine it they are learning some facts about us.

  • From the shape of the penny, a circle, they would know America was acquainted with shapes and forms.
  • From the copper material they would gather that we were metallurgical people acquainted with metals.
  • The bust of Lincoln would tell them that we appreciated art.
  • The date would indicate that we were historical and kept records.
  • The words, “United States of America” would say to them that we were a federated republic.
  • “E Pluribus Unum” written on the penny would let them know that we knew more than one language and that out of many we were one.
  • The wheat leaf would give some indication that we were an agricultural society.
  • The words, “one cent’” would tell them we used currency in our transactions.
  • On the penny are the words, “In God We Trust,” indicating to the explorers that we were religious.
Then they would ask themselves, “Wonder what went wrong: why did they fall into decay?” Then, one of them might remember our text from an unearthed Bible found in one of their digs. As he explored the surrounding passages of scripture he could easily conclude the many similarities of America to Judah. “Could that have been the problem with the United States of America?” he would ask.

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