Monday, October 17, 2016

A Healthy Baby

“As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word that ye might grow thereby…”  (I Peter 2:2)

It has been said that, “a healthy baby is a hungry baby.” A hungry baby will wake up his parents in the middle of the night wanting to be fed. It does not matter to a hungry baby that you are tired and want to sleep. They do not mind letting you know that they are hungry.

It can also be said that a spiritually healthy Christian is a hungry Christian. Show me a Christian who reads and studies the Bible, attends a church where the Bible is taught, participates in Bible study and listens to the Bible preached from the pulpit and I’ll show you a healthy Christian.

On the other hand, if a Christian seldom reads his Bible, has no appetite for Bible study and Bible preaching that Christian is not growing. He is not healthy spiritually. That’s not judging. That’s a simple observation.

I challenge you, whether you are a new Christian, known as a, “babe in Christ,” or if you have been saved many years, get in the word. Feed on the milk of the word and graduate to the meat of the word. 

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