Friday, October 14, 2016

Happiness: Knowing and Doing the Will of God

“If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” (John 13:17)

“Just one more tattoo and I’ll be happy,” someone says. After one more and then another and another until there is no more space for another they still aren’t happy. Just one more drink, just one more joint, just one more escapade and I’ll be happy. Just one more car or house or motor-cycle or…

Do you want to be happy? Happiness is dependent on two things. The first is knowing the will of God and the second is doing the will of God. Man will never be happy without knowing and doing the will of God.

You can discover God’s will for your life when you surrender your heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ and regularly, faithfully and prayerfully read the Bible. After you know the will of God then do what He has told you to do. That’s happiness.

Billy Graham wrote a book entitled, “The Secret of Happiness.” Later someone else wrote a book entitled, “Happiness is no Secret.”

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