Wednesday, October 26, 2016

God’s Better Plan

“And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled. (Acts 16:27)

Swords are designed to maim, kill or inflict pain. In this story we have a man who is seriously thinking of taking his life with his own sword. His sword was to be used to defend himself or to persuade prisoners under his watch to stay in line or to risk losing their lives.

The jailer supposed that the prisoners had fled. He knew that the Roman officials would take his life if the prisoners had escaped.  He had gone so far as to draw out his sword and was prepared to fall on it, taking his own life. If he had fallen on his sword he would have died as a lost man. But God had a much better plan. God’s servant used the “Sword of the Spirit,” the Bible, to tell the jailer about how to be saved. This sword, instead of taking the jailer’s life, gave him eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

When it looks like all hope is gone and you “suppose” that there is no way out of your situation, God has a plan that will work if you trust Him and wait for Him to work His plan.

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