Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Pray Again

“And he prayed again.” (James 5:18)

None of us have prayed to the point that we cannot pray some more about something. James is referring to Elijah the prophet who prayed that it not rain and for three and one half years there was no rain. Our text says that “he prayed again,” and it rained.

When the Apostle Paul prayed three times that his thorn in the flesh might be taken away, God answered by saying, “My grace is sufficient for you.” He stopped praying for his thorn in the flesh but prayed for other needs. He prayed that his physical kindred of Israel would be saved. He thanked God for the Philippian church. He prayed for the church in Thessalonica and many, many more prayers.

Jesus sometimes prayed all night. Other times He arose long before daylight and prayed. He prayed for a blind man, for a deaf man, for a dead man named Lazarus. He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. He prayed on the cross. He prayed again and again.

There are needs all about us. When God answers a prayer, it is not a signal that our prayers are not needed somewhere else. Did you pray yesterday? Good. Today is a new day. Pray again.

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