Friday, October 7, 2016

Give Me Oil in My Lamp…

“And He withdrew Himself into the wilderness, and prayed.” (Luke 5:16)

Jesus withdrew Himself from people, went alone into the wilderness and prayed. There was plenty for Him to do. He had just healed a man who had leprosy. There were other sick people including the crippled, blind and deaf folks. But He needed to be alone with the Father and pray. He was not being negligent or unkind by getting away to pray.

When we fail to pray we find ourselves trying to justify our prayerlessness by saying, “I have too much to do. I’ll pray when I get through here.” When we do that we are attempting to the work of the Lord in the energy of the flesh.

Many young preachers have said, “I don’t want to rust out. I want to burn out for Jesus.” That sounds noble, but I have discovered that a lamp empty of oil is burning the wick only and smokes up the chimney so badly it gives no light.  We need to take the time to fill our lamps with fresh oil or else our “burning out” will make us useless.

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