Monday, October 24, 2016

Praying at Midnight

“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.” (Acts 16:25)

Usually we think of people going to jail for doing bad things, like robbing a bank or selling drugs to school children or other bad things. However, Paul and Silas, two followers of Jesus Christ, were in jail for casting out a demon in the name of Jesus and for being on the receiving end of the false accusations of a mob. The magistrates tore off the clothes of these two Christians and commanded to beat them. They had many stripes laid on them before being cast into the inner prison and their feet securely fastened in stocks.

It was midnight and these two soldiers of the cross began to pray and sing praises to God.  They did not start singing, “Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen…”

In our midnight hour it is good to have a worship service. Nothing is said of these men blaming God for their trouble. There was no complaining. There were no tears of sorrow for their circumstances. There was no “pity party.” When things go badly, and they sometimes will, have a time of prayer and praise.

Notice also that the prisoners heard them praying and singing praises to God. What an opportunity for sharing Christ and letting others see the difference Christ makes.

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