Tuesday, March 10, 2015

What Are They Among So Many?

“There is a lad here, who has five barley loaves, and two small fish: but what are they among so many?” (John 6:9)

You are familiar with the story. About five thousand men besides women and children were fed by the miraculous hand of the Lord Jesus.  When they had finished eating they gathered up twelve baskets of food, one basket for each of the twelve apostles.

When I was about twelve or thirteen years old the Methodist Church close to our house hired me to be their janitor, which included building a fire in the winter in the big “pot-bellied” stove in the middle of the floor.  I learned how to build a fire.  I found out you don’t start a fire with a back-log. You start with small stuff, perhaps a few sheets of shredded paper, a few small twigs and some wood chips.

I have stated that we need a revival of the things of God in America. It won’t start with a huge crowd, a back-log. It will start with you and then the weak person next to you. Then it will gradually ignite me then someone else, and a few more, some not too promising, until the back-log has caught on fire. A Christian song from the sixties says, “It only takes a spark, to get a fire going, and soon all those around will warm up in its glowing.” “Experts” have been trying to set the back-log on fire. “Draw a big crowd and let’s have a revival.” It nearly always ends like a firecracker with a faulty fuse.

Jesus knew that He could take something small, weak and insignificant and supply everything needed. Would you let God use you to start a revival flame? If you are small enough He can use you.

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