Sunday, March 8, 2015

Weeping Over Our Sins

“And Peter went out and wept bitterly.”(Luke 22:62)

If you are serious about your walk with the Lord and you want always to please Him in all things, there has probably been a time when you wept bitterly over some sin.

Peter loved Jesus. He had been one of the three with Jesus when the Savior restored life to Jairus’ daughter. He was with Jesus on the mount of transfiguration.  He was the one that suggested that they build three tabernacles: one for Jesus, one for Elijah and another for Moses. Peter was in the Garden of Gethsemane when they came to arrest Jesus. In his attempt to defend Jesus, Peter cut off the right ear of Malchus, intending to cut off his head. He had boldly said, “Though I should die with thee yet will I not deny thee.” (Matthew26:35) When his denial happened he was heart broken. He couldn’t believe it. These were not fake tears of the Hollywood kind. He wept bitterly. One can only imagine what Peter was thinking.

In an unguarded moment we are capable of doing the same or worse. God has let us know that forgiveness is available. God used Peter later on. He was not cast aside as worthless. Following the resurrection of our Lord, Peter was told by Jesus, “Feed my sheep.”(John 21:16, 17)  He wrote two outstanding epistles that bear his name through which millions of the Lord’s sheep have been fed. Legend has it that he died by crucifixion because of his devotion to Christ and His teachings.

When you and I sin we must remember sin is ultimately against the Lord. Peter did not cast his sin off lightly, nor should we.  Our sin nailed Jesus to the cross. Confess, repent and take up your cross and serve Him.

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