Sunday, March 22, 2015

God Loves You

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” (John 3:16)

I was visiting an elderly Christian lady in a nursing home.  Her husband had died years before. One son was deceased and the other son lived several miles away. He came to see her as often as he could. She was alone in her room. We talked, I read scripture and we prayed. As I started to leave, I said, “God loves you.” She responded by asking, “Are you sure?”

It was a sincere question and demanded an honest answer.  Starting with John 3:16, I read and explained one Scripture after another, and told her everything I knew about the love of God. The Holy Spirit and the Word of God brought a peace and calm to that precious child of God.

Perhaps you are struggling with some issue that makes you question God’s love for you. I am just as sure that God loves you as I am sure that He loved that dear lady alone in the nursing home. There is not space in this devotion to give you all the verses about His love. Just trust His word that He loves you, as evidenced by His actions at the cross.

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