Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Be a Witness

But you shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

I heard of a little steam powered train engine that if it blew its whistle it had to stop. Our verse for today has to do with sharing the Gospel message and our witness for the Lord. How do you share the message God has given you? Let us not use all our “steam” tooting our own whistle.

I knew a blind man in Nancy, Kentucky who taught a Sunday school class of men. His Bible was in Braille. All his class notes were in Braille. He could not see his class members, nor could he see his material. He worked hard preparing his lesson Sunday after Sunday after Sunday. How do you share your Gospel message?

L.E. Leper was a preacher in Warren County, Kentucky. Brother and Mrs. Leper did a fifteen minute Gospel program on WKCT radio in Bowling Green on Saturdays for some time. He had helped my father in at least one revival in Bowling Green. When Brother Leper’s wife died he moved to California to be near his children. Then he was stricken with cancer of the larynx. Following surgery to remove the cancer, his voice was gone and he was no longer able to preach. Not ready to quit and not to be outdone, he learned how to communicate the Gospel in American Sign Language to the deaf and hearing impaired. He published a full length sermon in the Los Angeles Times entitled, “If I Could Preach One More Time.” In it he told of the Savior’s great love for mankind of His going to the cross, of His resurrection and how one can be saved.  How do you share the Gospel message God has given you?

If you have been saved you have the power of the Holy Spirit within. You have a message to share. Share it with someone.

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