Friday, March 20, 2015

Born Again

“Marvel not that I said unto thee, you must be born again.” (John 3:7)

I heard of a preacher who went for a “trial sermon.” His subject was, “You must be born again.” from John 3:7.  The church extended a call for him to be their pastor. He accepted their call and his first sermon as their pastor was, “You must be born again.” For the next three or four Sundays he preached from that same text, “You must be born again.” Finally a delegation from the church went to him and asked, “Why are you preaching from that same text Sunday after Sunday?” He answered, “Because, you must be born again.”

Being born again is not the same as being religious, joining a church, giving to charitable causes or stopping some sinful habit. Being born again is receiving by faith, the Son of God, Jesus Christ and what He did for us in His death, burial and resurrection, and thus we become a part of the Kingdom of God. When He comes into one’s life He takes over and produces the necessary changes.  It is by grace, through faith plus nothing. Remember, you must be born again.

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