Tuesday, March 17, 2015


“And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed Him.” (Mark 1:18)

Brothers, Simon and Andrew were working men whom Jesus called.  They were casting a net into the sea because fishing was the way they made their living.  When Jesus called them to come after Him the Bible says they immediately left their nets and followed Him.

When I was in my mid-teens our church had a youth rally one evening.  The guest speaker was a gentleman about seventy-five years old.  He told us that shortly after he became a Christian in his teens he felt the call of God upon his life to be a preacher and enter the ministry.  He said he put it off, thinking, “I’ll do it a little later.” Then marriage came, then children and a career, still putting off doing what he knew God was calling him to do. He said, “Now I’ve become an old man with nothing but regrets to show my Lord.”  He added as he wept, “Kids, don’t do what I did. When God is calling, follow Him immediately.”

This is good advice for people of all ages. When the Lord is tugging on our hearts and lives we must, first of all, trust Him for salvation.  Secondly, live the Christian life and be involved in a Bible believing church.  And third, if He calls you into special service such as preaching, being a missionary, teaching or other, yield to Him without excuse or delay.

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