Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why Trade Good Spring Water for Stagnant Cistern Water?

“For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living water, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” (Jeremiah 2:13)

God has likened Himself to a clear, flowing, fresh, never ending, spring or fountain of living water.  We see that as a reference to the provision of Jesus in His encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. (John 4:17-18)  We see it again in John 7:37-39, in speaking of the Holy Spirit living within.  In our text above God spoke through Jeremiah and said the Jews had forsaken Him the fountain of living water and hewed out broken cisterns that could not hold water.  He was speaking of their idolatrous practices and sinful ways.

A cistern, even if it is not broken and doesn’t leak, has stale or stagnant water. I have experienced such cisterns. It usually contains run-off water from the roof of the house, barn or perhaps a tool shed. The water is repugnant to drink.  It is good only for watering livestock or doing laundry. What a vivid picture He gives of the difference in the two. Many people have rejected Christ as their Savior and Lord and have turned to the world’s broken cisterns of alcohol, drugs, pornography, illicit or extra marital sex, money, things and false religion.  Any substitute we put in place of God is always going to be a disappointment. Nothing nor no one can satisfy as God satisfies.

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