Monday, February 9, 2015

Make The Time to Pray

“And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” (Mark 1:35)

Someone said, “With my busy work schedule and the time it takes to get to work, it’s just hard to find the time for Bible reading, prayer or devotions of any kind.”

When men go fishing it is not uncommon for them to get out of bed in time to be on the water before daylight.  Deer hunters are up in a tree in their deer stands before daylight, having gotten out of bed and driving some distance to the woods.  When I was a child at home many times I was awakened long before daylight with the smell of bacon frying that my mother had put on the stove after getting everything else ready. Perhaps you recall those days.

We get out of bed for what is important.  Prayer was important to Jesus. He talked to the Heavenly Father before going into the next towns to preach, before healing a man sick with leprosy and before healing a palsied man.  When we see prayer as important as work, fishing, deer hunting, or eating we will make time for it.

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