Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Don’t Give in to the Devil

“Neither give place to the devil.” (Ephesians 4:27)

Many years ago I heard an evangelist tell the story of a physician who needed to go over a mountain pass where there was a steep bluff straight up on one side of the road and a sheer drop-off on the other side of the road.  He stopped at a country store and asked some of the locals if some of them could drive his horse drawn buggy through that narrow, dangerous trail. All of them said they could, with some of them bragging on how close to the sheer drop-off they could go and still be safe.  Finally, one seasoned teamster said, “I won’t take any chances.  If I drive your buggy, I’ll stay as close to the upper side as I can and as far from the drop-off as possible.”  The physician chose the last one.

Now that you are a Christian our Scripture text suggests that it is safest for you to stay as from the devil, temptation and evil as you can. Don’t give the devil even the smallest part of your body, your time, your talents or your life.  He always takes more than you intended to give, stays longer than you agreed for him to stay and will cost far, far more than you thought you would have to pay. Satan will destroy your life, your testimony and your happiness if you give in to him.

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